Anti-bribery and corruption.

Anti-Bribery and Corruption Statement

GardX Engage is committed to ensuring that their operations and those of their subsidiary organisations are conducted in accordance with the UK Bribery Act 2010, the Criminal Finances Act 2017 and the standards they set.

Compliance  with  the UK Bribery Act  2010 and the Criminal Finances Act 2017 is essential to  the operating procedures of GardX Engage and its subsidiary organisations and therefore the full co-operation and commitment of all staff is expected to maintain these high standards.

It is GardX Engage's policy to conduct business in an honest way, and without the use of corrupt practices or acts of bribery to obtain any advantage.

GardX is dedicated to conducting all of its activities in a law-abiding and ethical manner and will not tolerate acts of criminal facilitation of tax evasion by its staff, subcontractors, third parties or any other of its associates anywhere in the world.

The GardX Engage is committed to ensuring adherence to the highest legal and ethical standards, and this is reflected in every aspect of the way in which we operate.  

This is not just a moral issue, but a legal requirement. Bribery and tax evasion is a criminal offence in the majority of countries in which GardX Engage operates. GardX International attaches the utmost importance to this policy and will apply a zero tolerance approach to any acts of bribery and corruption by any agents, employees or third-party representatives.